He wants you to recieve His Word into your heart and
operate out of a WORD IMAGE ! It is His LOVE LETTER
TO YOU ! Jesus came to die so that you might live and
He arose so that you could have an ABUNDANT life in
and through Him being in you... fully restored in a love
relationship with God ! Just RECIEVE HIS LOVE today !

Lord, help us meet each day with Joy & Awe...

As we WOSHIP YOU with our lives !

Hold us, Teach us, Carry us, be Glorifed through us Today !

We REST secure in YOUR LOVE !
This is so special for Fathers Day , I always love your writeings and pictures . Your so blessed with so much talent and love . I'll be back , I love your Blog . Mary
This is a lovely post. I like that we set aside a special day to celebrate good fathers.
What a precious post!
Aren't we so blessed to have 2 dads !
Thanks for coming to see me and for sharing your sweet story, too.
Thank you for stopping by ! :O) Hugs to all !
Hi Caroline Joy :)
Thank you so much for your prayers! I hope you had a lovely father's Day.
you have a beautiful family. I love the graphics you always find to suit each and every occasion. Your blog is so pretty girl.
Your hubby looks so proud...as he should! He is a very lucky man
Caroline, I am glad I didn't miss this beautiful post. You husband looks like a very nice family man!!
Hugs, Terrie
Hello Caroline Joy,
I have enjoyed your blog!
Jamie-allgrins (rms)
Caroline, you have such a beautiful blog and it is so uplifting. Just love the pictures of you and hubby and hubby in his clown outfit.
I want to hear how you got started and what is involved in your clown ministry.
Thank you very much Betty. We worked with children for many years in the past. We just love them and want them to know how precious they are and loved of God ! Clowning was just a natural extension of our hearts ! We became really involved with it this last year. We do other types of ministry too though! Really whatever will glorify God and help people realize how precious they are !
You make such a cute clown! I took the scroll down to check out more.
Caroline Joy, I love your blog. I hope you enjoy your time with your family. Happy July 4th!!
HUgs, Terrie
Thank you all for stopping by ! I appreciate your remarks ! :O)
I have missed ya! Hope you had a great time with family and friends!
Hey, girlfriend! I miss you! I do have an award for you. Please stop by my blog and pick it up!
Hugs, Terrie
I attended the visitation for a young man from our church tonight. He was just shy of 23, my son's age. He had been in to speak to the Pastor just this past Sunday with his girlfriend, she is pregnant. The Pastor told them they weren't the first to make this mistake and that the church would be there to give them support that they would need. The next morning he drove to a field, parked his truck, walked into the woods and shot himself.
The visitation was packed, there was a line of people down the sidewalk. His mother makes the comment he looks just like he did when he would fall asleep on the couch. My heart breaks for her. Why? He had all these people that cared, why couldn't he have turned to one of them?
God is holding this family now, giving them the strength to face what they must face now.
Will you please keep them in your prayers?
It is really sad that a baby could be viewed as anything but a precious opportunity regardless of the circumstances. On top of that, it's horrible that one so young would allow the devil to decieve him into taking his own life. I will definately pray. This was not God's will or plan and is very, very, sad.
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