Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Heavenly God of MORE Than Enough !
Jesus said that He came that we might have an ABUNDANT life in
John 10:10. There is a reason that Our Heavenly Daddy IS the God of
MORE THAN ENOUGH ! Can you guess what that reason is ? It's so
that the overflow will OVERFLOW ! We ought to be resting in MORE
THAN ENOUGH PEACE so that our peace will flow out and into all
those we come into contact with ! A lot of times, we as Christians think
of abundance in terms of finances. Some of us understand that it is
God's will to bless our finances so that we can give on EVERY occasion
that rises and through our generosity He will receive praise ! (2 Corin.
9:11). So, why don't we also believe that it's His will for us to have
more than enough HEALTH & STRENGTH (Psalms 84:7 says we
can go from strength to strength in HIS STRENGTH ! There are
MANY verses that say God IS OUR STRENGTH ! Wouldn't You say
that He has MORE THAN ENOUGH STRENGTH ? : - ), more than
enough JOY, more than enough PEACE, more than enough LOVE,
more than enough HOPE, more than enough HOLY GHOST, more
than enough COMPASSION, more than enough WORD, more than
enough CREATIVITY, more than enough "God Ideas", more than
enough everything ! It's not arrogance ! It's His will ! How can we
give what we don't have to give ! It all needs to be bubbling over in
our lives and will be as we just receive it from our DADDY GOD
WHO HAS ALREADY GIVEN IT TO US ! We ought to be talking to
ourselves daily about how we are the apple of Our Daddy God's eye
and are allowing His more than enough to flow through our lives !
We also need to bind all hindering spirits that are assigned to try to
keep people in the just getting by .....ME, MYSELF, & I mindset !
That is really a self centered and prideful mindset ! God wants us
to grow way, way, way, way, way, beyond that and WE ARE ON
THE WAY ! Glory to God ! Have an AWESOME DAY with our
AWESOME DADDY GOD ! May each one of you feel His presence
so near, hear His voice so clear, and receive what He has for you
today and every day ! He has a wonderful plan for each of your lives !
May His Spirit, Love, Word, & Blessing FLOW FREELY without
hindrance into your lives ! ! In Jesus name !


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work , I'm praying for you . Mary

Betty said...

Just stopped by to tell you I am thinking about you and hoping you are having a great time. You give so much to others especially me and I sure do appreciate you.


Caroline Joy said...

Thank You Mary & Betty ! :O)