Thursday, September 25, 2008

HIDDEN IN CHRIST - :O) Devotional
Colossians 3:3 - For you died and your life is now hidden away with
Christ in God !
Most of today, I have had a song in my heart and on my lips.
The words to it are "I will hide myself away....I will hide myself
away....I will hide myself away in Jesus name ! Too many Christians
do not understand that their old man is dead and that they have
been made a NEW creature in Christ Jesus ! That revelation
brings incredible victory ! Just being able to identify with being
who God says that you are (having a Word image) will help you
to NOT see yourself under the bondage of sin or in the lust of the
flesh (like the lust of fame, money, things, exc)! You are IN
CHRIST ! When the devil tries to tempt you with sin, you can
realize that sin goes against your very nature in Christ ! It gives
us the ability to identify with the character and nature of God and
not allow anything that does not line up with the WORD ! The
Lord is putting a phrase in my heart, "You are BLESSED FOR
SUCCESS !" With God on our side, we should have GREAT
GREAT GREAT Expectations ! He wants us to get rid of all
mindsets that hinder His flow in our lives ! The bible tells us to
cast down imagination as well as everything that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God (that is THE WORD) and to bring
every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corin. 10:5)
That simply means if a thought does not line up with the Word...
Get RID OF IT ! Then HOLD ONTO or CAPTURE the thoughts
that do line up with the Word ! Remember, that God wants His
word to be written on our hearts ! (Prov. 7:3). He has also
promised to establish our thoughts and direct our paths; but, we
have to yield our hearts and minds to His Spirit and Word !
(Prov. 16:3, Prov. 3:6) Prov. 3:6 tells us the key to yielding....
all He wants to show Himself strong on our behalf ! So, let's
just totally trust and depend on Him as we hide ourselves
away in Jesus name !


Betty said...

Hope things are going well for you Caroline. Your friendship is such a blessing to me.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Caroline!!! It has been such a long time! I often think of you & your Tea Parties. I miss you much!!!!

deembee from RMS